Monday, August 11, 2008

Steven Reigns, who produced the fantastically successful celebration of Anais@105 at the Hammer Gallery at UCLA February 23, 2008 met Bebe Barron and interviewed her
for the event. A few weeks later, Barron died, and Steven was asked to speak at her memorial.

Here is the link of Nin Scholar and Poet Steven Reigns at Bebe Barron's Memorial.

Steven's latest book of poetry (he's editor)with amazing portraits by Jenny Walters can be ordered on Steven's website.. This photo we have used is by Jenny Walters and is scanned from the book.

The book is breathtaking.

"I’m so proud of this collection. It is an anthology of autobiographical poetry written by gay, lesbian, and bisexual seniors. I felt honored to teach this group for over 16-weeks. The writings in the book were born out of a weekly workshop. I edited the collection, Jenny Walters took AMAZING portraits of the participants, novelist Dorothy Allison wrote the preface, and Thaddeus Root designed the book"

An on-line video of the workshop from which the collection that Reigns edits, can be found here. Apologies that we don't yet know how to add videos to this blog so they are embedded!

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